Sunday, September 11, 2011

New look in many Google apps!

Times they are a changin'...

Remember in class when we discussed that Google will be changing interfaces (the appearance of their web sites and controls?

Google is already offering new interfaces for many of there apps. You'll notice a 'Try the updated Blogger interface' link on the top of you dashboard.

Google IG, Google Groups just announced a change today...

Likely the 'try this out feature' will soon be replaced by a 'we'll be switching you over soon to th new interface. Switch now, or we'll do it for you later.'

The new interfaces will be more streamlined... and hard to navigate at first. Be patient, read what's on the screen, and take educated guesses about what you need to click on to accomplish your goals.

Hope everyone's doing well and enjoying the start to the school year.

We had a rough start to our school year courtesy of Hurricane Irene! Here's a post on what happened up here and the road to recovery.

Looking forward to seeing you folks again!  Adam