Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Lifetime lesson

On Monday afternoon I talked over the phone with my husband. I shared with him some of the new things going on with technology at schools. He was just concerned! I was confused since I believe all these changes have a positive impact in education. I thought he was also going to be impressed. But later I learned why. My husband often teaches at IPADE Business School and he told me that these kids will be his students in 10 years! He felt scared because he doesn´t know what these kids will be able to do and how he is going to teach them...

This technology course has taught me several things. On one hand I have learned how to do a blog, how to use twitter and google docs. On the other, I have learned and reflected over my teaching practice.

I thought making a blog was going to be very easy. I found it is easy but there is so much to it. There are a lot of things you can add and change every time. So it takes a while to get used to it. I felt very happy being able to do it. Now I am starting a blog to share some thoughts about my teaching practice and one for my baby. Since I leave far from my family and friends I believe it is a good way to share pictures and videos as he grows. I even want my husband to have a blog for his students so I will help him get started.

I think this technology course gave me a lifetime lesson. Just when I felt I was starting to understand how to add and modify things to my blog Adam told us Blogger was going to be modified in December. At that moment I thought it was useless to learn how to use Blogger if everything was going to change in just a few months. But then Adam gave us an advice. He mentioned that we have to be constantly learning and willing to learn with our kids and from them. We can´t wait to be the experts at something because by the time we master it, it is going to be different! This very wise advice made me reflect not only on the technology skills I am learning but also on my personal life. I usually want to feel I master something in order to feel comfortable to teach it and share it with others. I am constantly hard at myself and sometimes I just work, work and work. By the time I notice I am worn out… So with this course I take with me a personal goal to be less hard on myself. To learn how to learn with others, specially with my students. Thanks Adam for those very useful thoughts…

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