Friday, August 5, 2011

Patty's Blog Summary

As some of you I felt really lost at the beginning of this course and I'm still a little lost ....... but now that I saw what all my classmates were able to do and by the the things I learned,  I know that I have a long way to go but....... "I'm already on the road!!!"   I just need to dedicate time and practice, practice, practice !!!!

I might be looking for some of you to ask for help,  I am really excited to learn about Photoshop and many more :)

Thanks to all of you for sharing great moments during the Masters program.... I can't believe it's almost over,  I'm super duper happy !!!

"Don't cry because it's over. 
 Smile because it happened."
  Dr. Seuss


  1. Paty we can get together and work on Mac's!!!

  2. Great quote! Paty I think all we need is love....hahahaha!!! Really, all we need is practice. During this course, I had the chance to practice some things I supposed I knew already, but I realized I didn´t. Practicing them in class helped me a lot to understand them. So as you said: "Let´s practice, practice, practice!
