Sunday, August 7, 2011

What's Next...

It is amazing how fast time flies. The class went by like a breeze and with it, 3 1/2 years of other classes. I love to remember our first class, with Vanessa online.... Picture this: Erika and I sitting in a hallway at the lobby of the Omni Hotel in San Antonio answering to people's reflections. There was no internet available in the rooms. Can you believe it??? So much has changed. Now it is everywhere and free, which brings me to our last Technology class. I have to admit that for me it was not all pure trial and error. I had wonderful Ari next to me, who helped me a lot and gave me the pat on my back when I did things right.(Thanks a lot Ari!! :) ) However, I now understand that in order to keep up with times and technology we need to change our ways of learning. We need to be open to change and evolve with our time. This class did not just teach me Photoshop and Blogger. I learned that I can do things that I did not know I could. An example, me teaching Sofia how to add Twitter to a blog!! I mean normally it would have been the other way around and with me coming back to ask again.
The way I see it, being open to change and learning will keep you updated in your job and personal life and your will feel very youthful all the time when you realize that you DO understand what your children and grandchildren are talking about. Win-Win situation!!
Give yourself a chance and make mistakes. Remember we always learn from them and you can get very far when you set your mind to it. Be brave and face the world to whatever is next in your life!!
Thank you Adam, for teaching us a different way of teaching and learning.
Thank you all for a wonderful time in class!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for that twitter lesson Mena!!!

    I agree with you that we have to be open to change and learning all the time to feel youthful, jaja. I hope I understand what my grandchildren talk about :)
