Monday, August 22, 2011

Summer and technology

Hello Adam:

I wanted to participate on this blog as a contribution to this class, as a teacher technology has been a great help in my classes as a matter of fact part of our action research includes a part where we compare and contrast our practice before and after using technology and let me say it has been a huge difference and now we include technology on a daily basis in our classes. Changing the subject a little bit let me thank you for the support and patience, my mother is doing much better and hopefully soon she will add her comments as well......hope to see you some other time.

Best Regards

Elisa Berardi

1 comment:

  1. Excellent news, Elisa! Glad to hear your mother is improving. I'm looking forward to meeting you both. I've spoken with Vanessa and I'd encourage you to contact her about shoring up your coursework here. I'll do whatever I can to help!
